1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Late Jurassic orogenic volcanogenic–plutonogenic gold deposit Darasun (the Eastern Transbaikal segment of Mongolo-Okhotsk folded zone) includes postgold ore antimony mineralization. Aggregates of rice-like quartz, minerals of jordanite–geocronite–schultzite, sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite, tennantite-tetrahedrite, calcite and Mn-Mg siderite are its earlier formations; aggregates of rice-like quartz, low-iron sphalerite, Pb-Sb sulphosalts, antimonite and berthierite are its late formations. The Darasun trend of Pb-Sb sulphosalts sequence from bulangerite to fülöppite is typical for post-magmatic hydrothermal gold deposits and differs from telethermal ones. The are two fülöppite types in Darasun ores: fülöppite enriched in arsenic (up to 7,5 %wt), which is probably the product of replacement of geocronite and fahl ore row minerals and fülöppite without arsenic associating with antimonite and calcite. The arsenic-bearing fülöppite composition is (Pb2.90Ag0.06Cu0.05)3.01(Sb7.05As0.91Bi0.04)8.00S14.99 and the composition of fülöppite without arsenic is (Pb2.83Cu0.18)3.01Sb7.98S15.01, which are close to stoichiometry. Darasun fülöppite is characterized by positive correlation of As, Bi and Ag; füloppite without arsenic is enriched in copper.
Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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