1. School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA;
We review aspects of the evolution from Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) in two dimensions, which have now become relevant in systems with low densities, such as gated superconductors Li xZrNCl, magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene, FeSe, FeSe1− xS x, and ultracold Fermi superfluids. We emphasize the important role played by chemical potentials in determining crossovers or topological quantum phase transitions during the BCS–BEC evolution in one-band and two-band superfluids and superconductors. We highlight that crossovers from BCS to BEC occur for pairing in nonnodal s-wave channels, whereas topological quantum phase transitions, in which the order parameter symmetry does not change, arise for pairing in any nodal higher angular momentum channels, such as d-wave. We conclude by discussing a few open questions regarding the BCS-to-BEC evolution in 2D, including modulus fluctuations of the order parameter, tighter upper bounds on critical temperatures, and the exploration of lattice effects in two-band superconductors and superfluids.