1. Schroeder M. A., Seventeenth JANNAF Combustion Meeting, CPIA Publ. 329, Vol. II (Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, 1980), p. 493; also Sixteenth JANNAF Combustion Meeting, CPIA Publ. 308, Vol. II (Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, 1979), p. 17; also see Ref. 3.
2. The aeronomic dissociation of nitric oxide
3. Stern A. C., Boubel R. W., Turner D. B. and Fox D. L, in Fundamentals of Air Pollution (Academic Press, London, 1984), p. 164.
4. The Infra-Red Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Nitric Oxide