In the study, it was aimed to test the effectiveness of the Gender Inequality Sensitivity Training Program Based on Active Learning, which was prepared to develop sensitivity to gender inequality. The research was conducted with 26 participants studying in the Guidance and Psychological Counselling department of a university in the Central Anatolia Region in the 2019-2020 academic year. This study is a mixed-method research. In the quantitative part of the research, a quasi-experimental application was conducted with a 2x2 pre-test-post-test control group. In the qualitative part, the activity products and assignments obtained during the training were evaluated. The quantitative data of the research were collected through the Attitudes towards Gender Roles Scale and Personal Information Form, and the qualitative data were collected through the activity products and assignments obtained during the training. A 12-week-long Gender Inequality Sensitivity Training Program Based on Active Learning was applied to the experimental group. The findings showed that the training program increased the gender roles total attitude scores and traditional gender role scores of the experimental group participants significantly. In addition, after the experimental procedure, it was determined that there was a significant difference in favour of the experimental group regarding the total score, female, traditional, and male gender role sub-dimensions between the experimental and control groups. Qualitative findings showed that the program increased participants’ awareness of gender issues.
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
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