Prognostic importance of dispersion of interval Q-T electrocardiograms in patients with myocardial infarction


Teplyakov A. T.,Kamaev D. Yu.,Kalyuzhin V. V.,Pushnikova Ye. Yu.,Kalyuzhina Ye. V.,Stepacheva T. A.


The aim of research was comparison of prognostic importance of various indexs non-homogeneousness of processes repolari-zations of heart ventricles registered in acute and subacute periods of myocardial infarction (MI). The retrospective analysis of med-ical histories has allowed to determine dynamics of dispersion of intervals Q-T, Q-Ta and R-Tm in groups of patients with fa-vourable (n = 125) and lethal (n = 250) outcome. The best prognostic importance concerning fatal cardial events have indexs cor-rected on frequency of cardiac rhythm. Most important and independent predictor of intrahospital cardial deaths of the patients with MI is a dispersion of the corrected interval R-Tm, exceeding 80 мс1/2 in the first 6 hours after hospitalization.


Siberian State Medical University


Molecular Medicine

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