Scribing as an innovative technology in teaching oral foreign speech to students majoring in engineering


Odaryuk Irina Vasilievna,Gampartsumov Artem Semenovich


The purpose of this research is to study the features, forms and structure, as well as the possibility of practical application of scribing in the process of teaching foreign language speech to students of technical universities. Scribing is considered to be a technology that has great didactic potential and contributes to the solution of pedagogical problems in various fields of knowledge. Having come to pedagogy from the business environment, this technology can also be used to develop oral speech skills in foreign languages. The main stages of scribing have been defined. It is noted that scribing technology can be considered as a type of project activity. The main advantages of this technology are highlighted. Paper versions of scribing on several topics have been developed and presented in accordance with the Foreign Languages Work Programs of the Rostov State Transport University. Methods of description, analysis, systematization and generalization of theoretical material have been used, as well as practical application of the studied technology during the classes of foreign languages. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out. The results of the work will be of interest, first of all, to the tutors and teachers who are trying to apply innovative teaching technologies in the classroom. In future work, it is planned to develop and apply scribing for the presentation of other educational topics using online platforms.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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