1. «Bernard Tchumi». En Studio Talk: Interview with15 Architects, editado por Yoshio Futagawa, 512-541. Tokyo: A.D.A. EDITA.
2. «Frank O. Gehry». En Studio Talk: Interview with 15 Architects, editado por Yoshio Futagawa, 6-57. Tokyo: A.D.A. EDITA.
3. Ando, Tadao. 2002. «Tadao Ando on Le Corbusier». En Architects on Architects, editado por Susan Gray, 11-17. New York: Mc Graw-Hill.
4. Barrie, Thomas, Julio Bermúdez y Phillip J. Tabb. 2015. Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality. Surrey: Ashgate.
5. Barrie, Thomas. 1996. Spiritual Path, Sacred Place: Myth, Ritual, and Meaning in Architecture. Boston: Shambhala, 1996.