Soft contingency factors and TQM


Lečić Rajna


TQM can be seen as an activity that, like the Roman god Janus, has two faces (soft and hard), thus explaining the duality of quality factors as a consequence of its social and behavioral factors, on the one hand, and technical factors related to design, implementation and improvement of the quality system, on the other hand. Based on numerous research papers published since 1980s until now, the factors regarded as soft by the authors have been considered and their influence on improving the quality and performance of an organization has been analyzed. Given that management involves a set of principles such as people, culture and improvement, where TQM soft factors relate to management concepts, it is not difficult to conclude that soft factors are key to TQM management perspective and its successful implementation. Obviously, it is people who provide the quality. Perception of the importance of human factors is of great significance for the context of this paper, which seeks to clarify the importance of soft factors in achieving successful implementation of TQM and business success based on it.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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