Behavior of users of banking services in the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina during the pandemic of COVID-19


Pavlović Marko,Radonjić Anđelija,Pavlović Đorđe


The aim of this study is to analyze the satisfaction of users of banking services in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Covid 19 pandemic. The research was conducted through an online questionnaire, and the processing was carried out with the help of the statistical program SPSS version 24. The subject of the research is to measure the perception of banking services, to assess service quality and the impact of expectations on perceived quality. Testing and final conclusions on the level of quality of banking services were performed on the basis of the existing literature and the modified SERVKUAL model.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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