In today's business environment, in which customer satisfaction plays a crucial role in an organization's ability to survive, problem-solving competencies are considered essential, since they enable organizations to efficiently identify, analyse and solve problems that could have an impact on the customer experience. It is no longer enough for employees in direct contact with customers just to be kind and helpful, as today it is necessary for them to respond quickly and efficiently to challenges that affect customer satisfaction. Problem-solving competencies are widely regarded as a fundamental skill necessary for success in the modern world and are of key importance for all business activities, particularly in customer relations. Along with the primary objective of satisfying customers, successful problem-solving also fulfils the requirements and principles of quality standards linked to improvements, resulting in a better quality of products and services, more efficient business processes, greater customer trust and enhanced business reputation. The authors of this paper point to the issue of insufficient employee motivation in the area of developing problem-solving competencies. There are several reasons for this attitude among employees: the accelerated development of digital technologies encourages the acquisition of digital skills; employees have insufficient awareness of the advantages of gaining competencies; managers lack understanding of the benefits of problem-solving competencies; and young people encounter insufficient opportunities to acquire problem-solving skills within their formal education.
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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