1. 1. Apazhev A.K. Main directions of complex mechanization of agricultural production. V sb.: Aktual'nye problemy agrarnoj nauki: prikladnye i issledovatel'skie aspekty. Vserossijs kaya (nacional'naya) nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya [In: Actual problems of agrarian science: applied and research aspects. All-Russian (national) scientific and practical conference]. Nal'chik, 2021:14-16. (In Russ.)
2. 2. Apazhev A.K. Sustainability of the development of regions in the context of spatial and economic transformations. V sb.: Ustojchivost' razvitiya territorial'nyh ekonomicheskih sistem:global'nye tendencii i koncepcii modernizacii. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya kon ferenciya [In: Sustainable Development of Territorial Economic Systems: Global Trends and Concepts of Modernization. International scientific and practical conference]. 2016:10-13. (In Russ.)
3. 3. Apazhev A.K., Shekikhachev Yu.A., Khazhmetov L.M. et al. Innovacionnye tekhnologi cheskie i tekhnicheskie resheniya po povysheniyu plodorodiya pochv v usloviyah sklonovyh ero dirovannyh chernozemnyh pochv YUga Rossii [Innovative technological and technical solutions to improve soil fertility in the conditions of slope eroded chernozem soils in the South of Rus sia]. Nal'chik, 2018. 264 p. (In Russ.)
4. 4. Apazhev A.K., Shekikhachev Yu.A., Khazhmetov L.M. Modernization of a grain seeder for work in conditions of high soil moisture. Izvestiya Nizhnevolzhskogo agrouniversitetskogo kompleksa: Nauka i vysshee professional'noe obrazovanie [Izvestia of the Nizhnevolzhsky Agro University Complex: Science and Higher Professional Education]. 2016:3(43);238-245. (In Russ.)
5. 5. Apazhev A.K. The main directions of the implementation of the policy of energy saving and energy efficiency. V sb.: Energosberezhenie i energoeffektivnost': problemy i resheniya. IX Vserossijskaya (nacional'naya) nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya [In: Energy saving and energy efficiency: problems and solutions. IX All-Russian (National) Scientific and Practical Conference]. 2020:8-11. (In Russ.)