Urazaeva Nailya,Morozov Evgenii
Information era of the development of computer technologies and wide availability of Internet opens new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of educational process of foreign languages. The subject of this research is one of the modern and relevant directions in methodology of teaching German language – the corpus-based teaching. Corpus-based technologies are used in teaching vocabulary, grammar, translation, in cross-cultural research, realization of project activities, as well as allow significantly increasing the quality of education, accelerate the process of acquisition and digestion of knowledge, increase motivation and interest in learning German language. Research methodology is based on the analysis of theoretical insights on the indicated problematic, normative documents, description and assessment of possible application of linguistic corpuses in learning and teaching German language. The achievements in the area of corpus-based linguistics can become widely used in the process of teaching German language. Corpus-based approach is the most advanced innovation addition to the traditional teaching; it is optimal for understanding of such aspects of language as polysemy, historical, geographical and social variation, changes in language system. The key aspects of corpus-based teaching are the authenticity of material, Interdisiplinarity, empirical adequacy, adjustment to particular tasks and target groups, possibility of self-tuition.
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