Social tension in pedagogical environment due to implementation of distance learning (on the example of School No. 99 in Barnaul)


Sterlyadeva Natalya Anatolevna,Akhmedova Angelina Rustamovna,Koda Egor Aleksandrovich,Lapteva Dar'ya Nikolaevna,Oleinikova Elizaveta Pavlovna


This article is dedicated to the problem of implementation of distance learning in the educational institutions due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted by means of in-depth interview on the premises of School No. 99 in Barnaul. The author examines such aspects as the tension in pedagogical environment occurred in the context of distance learning. The goal of this research lies in characterization of tension in pedagogical environment due to implementation of distance learning. The general population of this study was made up of teachers of the city of Barnaul. The general population for this study involves the pedagogues of the School No. 99" in Barnaul. The novelty consists in studying the regional aspect of the difficulties faced by pedagogue against the background of implementation of distance learning. The answers of respondents allowed concluding on the performance degradation of students, which directly affected the effectiveness the learning process. The pedagogues noted the increase in their working hours, which worsened their emotional state. “Non-engagement” of students in the learning process influenced the digestion of new material. Another problem outlined by respondents is that technological infrastructure of schools does not meet the requirements of distance learning.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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