Topical issues of countering modern autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles and FPV drones


Nikolaev Nikolay Vladimirovich,Il'in Vladimir Viktorovich,Nekrasov Maksim Igorevich


The high level of development of unmanned aviation has predetermined the possibility of its use to solve a wide range of tasks. At the same time, it should be noted that achievements in this area are not always used for peaceful purposes. The results of the analysis of the practice of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in modern military conflicts and information about terrorist acts with their use allow us to conclude that the most difficult targets resistant to various methods of influence are modern autonomous UAVs and FPV drones with explosive devices. Therefore, the search for effective ways to counteract them seems to be an urgent area of research. The aim of the work is to develop the means for effective counteraction to modern autonomous UAVs and FPV drones by electromagnetic, laser and mechanical ways. The methods of system analysis are used in the work. The article notes the increasing level of threats associated with the mass use of autonomous UAVs and FPV drones, presents the results of the "revision" and critical analysis of the main methods of countering modern UAVs, reflecting their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Based on the results obtained, a comparative analysis of methods of countering autonomous UAVs and FPV drones was carried out. It is concluded that the most effective of them are the methods of electromagnetic, laser and mechanical action. The required parameters for the effective application of these types of impacts on modern autonomous UAVs and FPV drones are presented. The results of the research can be used as initial data for the creation of new and improvement of existing means of countering UAVs as part of physical protection systems (SFZ). The scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of a scientific and methodological apparatus for substantiating the SFZ of objects in terms of taking into account the functioning features and vulnerabilities of modern autonomous UAVs and FPV drones, as well as determining ways to improve systems to counter them based on the use of electromagnetic, laser and mechanical means.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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