Assessment of students' awareness in the field of information technology and information security


Kostyuchenko Konstantin,Mukhachev Sergei


The article is devoted to the results of studying the state of students' awareness in the field of information technology. The subject of the study is the main elements of information technology and information security. The aspects related to the use of information technologies, the use of information protection methods, and the understanding of the nature of information threats by students in educational institutions of higher education were studied. The object of the study is various educational institutions, including law enforcement. The results of a survey of students for several years are presented. The data obtained on the possession of computer technologies, as well as the negative information impact, are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the comparison with similar data given in other publications. The main conclusions of the conducted research are that the respondents actively use information technologies in educational work, entertainment, communication, however, at the same time, they are rather poorly aware of information security issues. The younger generation does not fully understand the degree of danger in relation to the information being processed, their own mental and physical health, financial well-being, and in some cases, life. Less than half of the respondents are aware of the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the information sphere, which is why even the most common means of information protection are not used. It follows from the results of the analysis that the level of awareness changes little over time.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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