1. GOST R 54257-2010 of the Russian Federation “Reliability of Building Structures and Foundations”. Approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 23, 2010 No. 1059-st 4 (currently canceled), (In Russ.)
2. Federal Law “Technical Regulations on Safety of Buildings and Structures”. Adopted by the State Duma on December 23, 2009, approved by the Federation Council on December 25, 2009, (In Russ.)
3. SP 58.13330.2012 Code of Practice «Hydraulic Structures. Main provisions of». Updated edition of SNiP 33-01-2003. Date of introduction 2013-01-01, (In Russ.)
4. SP 33-101-2003 Determination of basic hydrological characteristics (instead of SNiP 2.01.14-83), Moscow. Gosstroy of the Russian Federation. 2004, (In Russ.)
5. STO 70238424. 27. 140. 026-2009. Hydroelectric power plants. Assessment and forecasting of risks of accidents of hydraulic structures. Regulations and requirements. INVEL organization standard. Moscow, 2009. 50 p., (In Russ.)