Assessment of interbank competition in the context of services provided


Trofimova Yu. V.1,Konopyanova G. A.1,Mambetkaziyev A. E.1


1. Kazakh-American Free University


The paper discusses the methodology for assessing the competitiveness of banks in the context of the services provided, the assessment is carried out on the example of the leading, largest Kazakhstani banks.The purpose of the study is to assess the competitiveness of the services of the largest Kazakhstani banks and to determine possible directions for improving the creditworthiness of the studied banks.Methodology: to conduct the study, a set of methods is used based on the developments of other authors, in particular, those related to the analysis of the fi nancial condition, the market share of banks and the quality of the provision of fi nancial services to clients.The originality (value) of the study lies in the developed adapted methodology for analyzing the competitiveness of Kazakhstani banks.Findings: the results of the study represent an assessment of the competitiveness of second-tier banks in Kazakhstan (the largest) at the beginning of 2021.


Narxoz University - Non-profit joint stock company

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