1. AAG, "Necrology: Chauncy Dennison Harris," AAG Newsletter , 39 , 1:17, February 2004.
2. Berry, Brian J. L. "Chauncy D. Harris, 1914-2003," Urban Geography , 25 , 1, January 1-February 14, 2004 (forthcoming).
3. Balzak, S., V. Vasyutin, and Ya. G. Feygin, eds., Economic Geography of the USSR. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1962 (English language edition edited by Chauncy D. Harris).
4. Demko, George J. and Roland J. Fuchs, eds., Geographical Studies on the Soviet Union: Essays in Honor of Chauncy D. Harris . Chicago, IL: University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 211, 1984.
5. Gerasimov, I. P., G. M. Ignat'yev, S. V. Kalesnik, O. A. Konstantinov, E. M. Murzayev, and K. A. Salishchev, eds., Soviet Geography: Accomplishments and Tasks . New York, NY: American Geographical Society, Occasional Publication No. 1, 1962 (English language edition edited by Chauncy D. Harris).