1. El Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA (ONUSIDA). Fact sheet - WORLD AIDS DAY 2018. 2017 Global HIV Statistics. El Programa Conjunto las Nac Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA (ONUSIDA); 2018:6. Available from: http://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/UNAIDS_FactSheet_en.pdf. Accessed November 30, 2020.
2. Averting Hiv and Aids. Global HIV and AIDS Statistics | AVERT; 2018.
3. UNAIDS. FACT SHEET – World AIDS Day 2018 Global HIV and AIDS Statistics. Unaids; 2018:1–6.
4. Ethiopian Pubilc Health Institute. HIV Related Estimates and Projections for Ethiopia; 2017.
5. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Global Statistics | HIV.gov; 2017. Available from: https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/data-and-trends/global-statistics. Accessed November 30, 2020.