The competitiveness of any agricultural product depends on the strengths of the supply chain. The competitiveness factors of taro chain (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) are unknown. The problem lies in the lack of studies on the competitiveness of the taro supply chain and associated factors. The factors associated with the competitiveness of the taro supply chain were determined. Competitiveness was operationalized in three factors: production management (GP), administrative management (GA) and business performance (DE). A questionnaire was applied to 47 actors involved in the supply chain. A significant correlation (P <0.05, bilateral) was found for the factors GP (0.845 **), GA (0.756 **) and DE (0.717 **) and the variables related to competitiveness were: proximity to importing countries and ability to high yields. The general competitiveness value was 6.3. The factors that most affect competitiveness are non-economic, such as production capacity, demand estimation, flexibility and sales planning. The economic factors that the agents in the chain cannot control at all are: production costs, distribution and international prices. It is concluded that there are three factors involved in the taro supply chain that provide competitive advantages.
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