Antontsev S.N.,Papin A.A.,Tokareva M.A.,Leonova E.I.,Gridushko E.A.
The last part of the article examines mathematical models of four types of oncological diseases: breast cancer (early stage), colorectal cancer (bowel cancer), glioma, and prostate cancer. Each of these models has its own individual characteristics and, accordingly, their approaches to modeling are different. The approach to modeling breast cancer involves complex interactions between tumor cells, fibroblasts, immunocytes, epithelial cells, extracellular matrix, vascular system, and cytokines. Colorectal cancer takes into account the multiscale approach, cell cycle, and gene mutations that were discussed in the previous sections. Glioma is one of the most aggressive brain tumors. Its model includes equations for glioma cell density, extracellular matrix concentration, matrix metalloproteinase concentration, and nutrient concentration. There is another model for glioma that considers an approach using oncolytic viruses. Prostate cancer takes into account the presence of testosterone and its effect on the further development of the disease.
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