Седельникова (Sedel'nikova) Людмила (Ljudmila) Леонидовна (Leonidovna),Кукушкина (Kukushkina) Татьяна (Tat'jana) Абдулахиловна (Abdulahilovna)
The paper presents comparative data on the content of biologically active in the vegetative organs of Iris hybrida cultivar Coronation. First described the results of a study of the contents of the spare substances (sugar, starch), saponins, ascorbic acid, pectin (pectin, protopectin), phenolic compounds (catechins, flavonols) in leaves and rhizomes of plants of the variety Coronation. The quantitative content of the main groups of substances in underground and aboveground organs during the growing season, flowering and fruiting. Found that the presence of ascorbic acid in the leaves of Iris hybrida varieties of Coronation higher than in the rhizomes in 10–24 times during the growing season, 5.4–9 times the period of flowering, 2.5 to 6.3 times in the period of fruiting. The pectin content was 2–8 times less than protopectin in leaves and rhizomes of plants. Catechins differed in minor content (0.014–0.48%). Saponins in the leaves (21.86–30.27%) and rhizomes (14.86–30.27%) showed high content in the period of regrowth and flowering in cool-moist 2013–14 Sugars in the leaves found in 5–14 times more than the rhizomes during the period of fruiting. The pre-winter amount of starch in the rhizomes were relatively stable and had high rates from 17.5 to 28.3% in all years of observations. The identified variability is biologically active and spare substances in the vegetative organs of Iris hybrida varieties of Coronation in connection with seasonal development.
Organic Chemistry,Plant Science,Biomaterials
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