Anthropometric Parameters in Kyrgyz Males of Various Somatotypes


Sakibaev K. Sh.1


1. Osh State University, Osh


The aimof research was to obtain data about “somatotypical profile” and some anthropometric parameters in young and adult males, the ethnic Kyrgyz.Material and methods.The study included 955 healthy young and adult males, ethnic Kyrgyzs, residents of Osh city and its suburbs. To assess their physical development the authors used a method of complex anthropometry and somatotyping. Morphometric processing of the obtained data was performed using statistical programs Microsoft Excel and package STATISTICA (v. 6.0). Differences between two compared values were estimated by Student's distribution at p<0.05.Results.The most common constitutional types in the Kyrgyz young and adult men appeared to be an abdominal (35–37%), muscular (25–27%) and indefinite (27–30%) constitutional types; thoracic somatotype (9–11%) being the rarest. The performed analysis demonstrated a tendency to increasing the diameter of the wrist and calf during the development from the youth into the 1st and then the 2nd period of adulthood; this was observed in the representatives of all somatotypes. The individual minimum and maximum values of the width of the shoulder girdle were higher in men of the muscular somatotype than in men of the thoracic somatotype regardless of their age; the same parameters had intermediate values in men of the abdominal and indefinite somatotypes.Conclusion.The obtained data on the distribution of different somatotypes in the Kyrgyz male population and certain anthropometric parameters in the representatives of different somatotypes will contribute to the design of the national standards of physical development; the fact being significant for practical health and theoretical medicine


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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