Monitoring of rabies in wild animals in the Kirov region after oral immunization


Zaykova O. N.1,Grebennikova T. V.1,Elakov A. L.1,Kochergin-Nikitsky K. S.1,Aliper T. I.1,Chuchalin S. F.2,Gulyukin A. M.3


1. «Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»

2. The Veterinary Department of the Kirov Region

3. Kovalenko All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary


This work presents the results of the molecular genetic research on genomes of field isolates of the rabies virus circulating in the territory of the Kirov region in order to analyze the phylogenetic relationship between the wild isolate genomes and to determine the possible reversion of the vaccine strain of the rabies virus used in the oral vaccine to virulent variant. We studied 24 brain samples from wild carnivores shot after oral immunization of the area with Rabivak-O/333. A bait with the vaccine provided by the Veterinary Service of the Kirov was also studied. All samples were found to be positive for the presence of the rabies virus as established by FAT and RT-PCR techniques. Phylogenetic analysis of N genome fragments of the rabies virus showed that the field isolates from the Kirov regions were genetically close to the field isolates from Buryatia 2012. Analysis of G genome fragments showed that the Kirov field isolates were close to the isolates from Lipetsk (2011), as well as to the Ukrainian isolates (2006 and 2010). Molecular genetic analysis of the gene fragments N and G for the field isolates and fragments of the genome of the rabies virus vaccine did not reveal any reversion to the virulent vaccine strain.


Central Research Institute for Epidemiology


Infectious Diseases,Virology,General Medicine

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