Arterial hypertension: Modern problems


Bokarev Igor N.1,Dulin P. A.2,Ovchinnikov Yu. V.2,Simonenko V. B.2


1. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, (Sechenov university)

2. S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Moscow branch


Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the most common diseases. Despite numerous studies, many problems related to this pathology remain to be elucidated. The modern classifications of AHare contradictory and true causes of elevated blood pressure (BP) are unknown. There are no methods for diagnostics of early stages of AH nor is there adequateunderstanding of what hypertensive crises are, how they are to be classified and why they develop. Pathomorphosis of AH is practically unexplored. There are no efficient medications and therapies for the radical treatment of AH. The authors propose classification of hypertensive crisis, hypertensive disease, and symptomatic AH. It is recommended to use 24-hour blood pressure monitoring in all AH patients. New approaches to diagnostics of early stages of AH are proposed.


Medical Informational Agency Publishers


General Medicine

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