The criteria and indices of evaluation of quality of out-patient medical care in case of chronic diseases exemplified by microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus


Udovichenko Oleg V.1,Meshkov D. O.2,Berseneva E. A.2


1. The municipal polyclinic No. 22 of the Moscow Health Department

2. The N.A. Semashko national research institute of public health


The special evaluation techniques establishing quality and effectiveness of treatment in out-patient practice for every disease are required. The study was carried out to develop criteria and indices for evaluating quality of out-patient medical care of patients with micro-vascular complications of diabetes mellitus (diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy). The method of publications; search and practice analysis was applied to formulate criteria and indices of evaluating structure, processes and results of treatment. The evaluation of quality of result requires the most complicated techniques of data collection. In this respect the most perspective atre indices based on rate of development of terminal stages of mentioned complications. The obtained data can be applied to determine effectiveness of treatment of other diseases with chronic pro-gradient course.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy

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