EFL Palestinian Students’ Perception of E-Assessment amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic


Jabari Reem,Farrah Mohammed


It is not surprising that most institutes, schools, and universities are shifting from traditional learning to online learning due to the coronavirus, which is an international concern that has changed the educational system all over the world. This study aims to investigate the perception of EFL students at Hebron University about online assessment benefits and challenges during COVID-19. The participants of this study were 64 English major students from Hebron University. An online questionnaire consisting of 40 questions was used to collect the data. The researchers followed the quantitative approach. According to the findings of this study, Students' overall view of e-assessment was moderate. The researcher included in the questionnaire eight domains. They got varying degrees. Compatibility domain (M=3.74), awareness domain (M=3.71), self-efficacy domain (M=3.57), perceived usefulness domain (M=3.53), IT support domain (M=3.48), perceived ease of use domain (M=3.48), peer influence and superior influence domain (M=      3.41), resource facilitation domain (M=3.20).


Asian Research Association

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