
Hrubnyk Ihor M.ORCID,Olkhovska Anzhela B.ORCID,Koliadenko Nina V.ORCID,Shopsha Mykola M.ORCID,Shopsha Olena L.ORCID,Zhyvaho Khrystyna S.ORCID


Introduction. The prolonged extreme crisis situation of the full-scale war in Ukraine has a negative impact on the institution of the family, the structure and functions of the modern Ukrainian family. Therefore, the development of effective approaches to the psychocorrection of family relations in wartime is an urgent topic of research. The aim. The purpose of the work is to develop and test a model of complex psychocorrection of family relations using the drug Ginkgo biloba in wartime conditions. Materials and methods. Analytical, psychodiagnostic, statistical research methods and the method of conceptual modeling are used in the work. The methodological basis of the study was the understanding of a person as a whole multi-level biopsychosocial living system and an empirical approach. The research sample consisted of 44 young couples (88 people), temporarily displaced from the zone of active hostilities. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups: experimental (21 couples, 42 people) and control (23 couples, 46 people). Psychodiagnostic methods were used in the work: Questionnaire "Diagnosis of personality behavior in a conflict situation" (O.S. Kocharyan); Methodology "Settings in a married couple" (Y.Ye. Alyoshina); Communication in the family (Y.Ye. Alyoshina, L.Ya. Gozman, O.M. Dubovska); Marriage satisfaction test questionnaire (V. V. Stolin, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko); Connor-Davidson resilience scale-10. Complex psychocorrective intervention was carried out in both groups for three weeks based on the author's model, which contained four groups of factors: individual, family, group, social, and consisted of seven content blocks: 1) correction of individual mental states of each spouse and development of resilience; 2) correction of communication skills and internal and external communication styles of spouses; 3) correction of family attitudes and values; 4) correction of the educational function of the family; 5) correction of the protective function of the family; 6) increasing the vitality of the family and forming its psychotherapeutic function; 7) formation of satisfaction with marriage and determination of constructive prospective directions for the development of family relations. In addition, the respondents of the experimental group received the Ginkgo biloba drug in the form of a standardized leaf extract (Ginkgo biloba-F capsules 400 mg No. 60 of the domestic manufacturer PTF LLC Pharmacom) for three weeks. Results. A complex model of psychocorrection of family relationships using the drug gingko biloba was theoretically substantiated, developed and tested, and its effectiveness in providing medical and psychological assistance to families with the consequences of war psychotrauma was demonstrated. Conclusions. It has been proven that the developed and tested comprehensive psychocorrective technique is effective in increasing the resilience of families with the consequences of war psychotrauma. A statistically reliable and significant positive effect of the Ginkgo biloba drug on the adaptive resources and vitality of the individual has been demonstrated, which contributes to the increase of stress resistance and the normalization of family relationships and allows to recommend the Ginkgo biloba drug in a complex of psychocorrective and psychoprophylactic measures to overcome the consequences of war psychotrauma. Prospective research is planned to be directed to the study of the impact of the war psychotraumatic situation on children and the elderly and the development of appropriate psychocorrective and psychoprophylactic methods.


State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center

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