Impact of COVID-19 on FDI in India


Dr. Sourabh Singha Roy 1


1. Faculty of Management Studies, Gopal Narayan Singh university, Jamuhar, Sasaram, Rohtas, Bihar, India


In this research article the researcher analyzed the significant research issues about impact of COVID-19 on FDI in India. It may be noted that FDI inflow has increased by 23% post-Covid (March 2020 to March 2022: USD 171.84 billion) in comparison to FDI inflow reported pre-Covid (February 2018 to February 2020: USD 141.10 billion) in India. Despite the uptick in investment flows to developing nations, many sectors such as energy and food remain under-developed. The total FDI in the developed economies rose to an estimated $777 billion in 2021, three times the level in 2020 and the highest since 2011. The researcher designs this research article based on secondary data and represented to analysis report in between 2011 to 2022. The data are compiled using SPSS software and inferences are generated to shows the statistical analysis of impact of COVID-19 on FDI in India.


Technoscience Academy


General Medicine

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