Solar Powered Agricultural Water Pumping with Auto Tracking


Marisankar R.1,Kumari S. Sharmila2,Sivapriya G.2


1. UG Student, Department of EEE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu, India

2. Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu, India


Now a days people use electric pumps to irrigate and where does not have grid electricity, they use fuel-powered pumps. However, the problem of energy is a big issue, and both fuel and electricity prices are rising. Another problem is sometimes it is hard to get fuels in rural or hilly areas. Most of the farmers are poor. To overcome these problems the project is made. It would be implemented in everywhere. The most important renewable energy source is solar energy. Light energy is converted into electrical energy by the solar panel. Agricultural technology is rapidly evolving. Farm equipment, farm structures, and manufacturing facilities are all being improved on a regular basis. There are a variety of agricultural applications for photovoltaic (PV) solutions. Person installations and systems built by utility providers when they discover that a PV solution is the best solution for a remote agricultural need like water pumping for crops or livestock. Two easy way of components make up a solar-powered water pumping system. PV panels and pumps are the items in question. The solar cell is the smallest component of a PV plate. When exposed to light, each solar cell has two or more particularly arranged layers of semiconductor material that directly generate current (DC) electricity. The panel's wiring detects this DC current. It's then either fed into a DC pump that pumps water whenever the sun shines, or it's retained in batteries for use by the pump at a later stage. In this paper, Whenever the soil get dry condition the pump can automatically on once the soil get sufficient amount of water the pump can automatically off.


Technoscience Academy


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