On the Possibility of Modernizing Moving Coils of the Electrodynamic Vibration Stand


Zuev Al.A.1,Proskurin A.V.1


1. Russian Federal Nuclear Center --- Zababakhin All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics


Currently, testing products for vibration strength and vibration resistance became much more complicated, since the mass of test objects increased, vibration modes (including vibration shocks) are of more complex nature, and, as a result, the equipment operates at the maximum modes and fails. The most complex malfunction that occurs during prolonged hard work of the vibration stand is the breakdown of a moving coil, which repair, as a rule, is possible only in the specialized centers. The paper considers design of a regular moving coil of the high-power vibration stand and indicates its disadvantages. A modernized design of the moving coil is proposed increasing its strength, as well as a device for winding it, which provides necessary tension of the conductor during winding and turning the fiberglass frame. Results of operation of the vibration units with modernized coils are presented, capabilities of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center --- Zababakhin All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics in terms of modernizing the vibration stands of various traction forces and structures during repair of the moving coils are indicated. Conclusion is made on the advantages of the modernized moving coils


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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