1. Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems
at the moment, soil pollution is the main environmental problem, which leads to a great need for the restoration of contaminated soils using the most appropriate and effective cleaning methods. Conventional remediation and bioremediation of contaminated sites usually involves the physical removal of pollutants or biological exposure with the help of microorganisms. Basic physical recovery strategies are expensive, non-specific, and often render the soil unsuitable for further use by disrupting the microenvironment. Due to these concerns, there has been increased interest in environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches, such as phytostabilization, phytoremediation and phytofiltration for cleaning contaminated sites. In this article, special attention is paid to the selection of highly productive genotypes of sugar sorghum for further use in phytoremediation of soils from heavy metals. Removal of heavy metals from the environment with the help of plants in the modern world is a very effective and highly profitable method. In this regard, the identification and study of promising plants is the basis of successful biotechnology. From this point of view, sorghum crops are attractive. They have properties such as resistance to extreme drought, heat and salt resistance
Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems
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