The Astroseismic Analysed of Stellar Interior Models






The stellar interior models are generally used to understand the structure and evolution of stars. The models that best represent the stars are decided by the observation parameters. For this purpose, the output data of the models obtained are compared with the observation data. A star can be represented from its core to the surface with the help of models. While the surface observation parameters and model surface parameters can be compared thanks to the photons taken from the stars, it is very difficult to compare the central conditions. Today, thanks to the developing technology and space telescopes, stellar seismology (asteroseismology) can now have observational data about the core and central regions of the stars. Thus, the internal structure models can be examined in more detail and the basic direct observation parameters of the stars can be determined more easily and precisely. In this study, models in solar composition were examined for the mass range of 1.00-1.60 M⊙ with the MESA evolution code. Thanks to these models, the asteroseismic and non-asteroseismic parameters of the star were compared with each other. In this way, information about the age, which is difficult to detect, was obtained with the internal structure models of the stars. Here,the fist time, a linear relationship was found between 2/R3 obtained from the models and age.


Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi Fen Ve Muhendislik Bilimleri Dergisi


General Engineering

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