Predictions for the neutrino parameters in the minimal model extended by linear combination of U(1)$$_{L_e-L_\mu }$$, U(1)$$_{L_\mu -L_\tau }$$ and U(1)$$_{B-L}$$ gauge symmetries


Asai Kento


AbstractWe study the minimal extensions of the Standard Model by a linear combination of U(1)$$_{L_e-L_\mu }$$Le-Lμ, U(1)$$_{L_\mu -L_\tau }$$Lμ-Lτ and U(1)$$_{B-L}$$B-L gauge symmetries, where three right-handed neutrinos and one U(1)-breaking SU(2)$$_L$$L singlet or doublet scalar are introduced. Because of the dependence on the lepton flavor, the structures of both Dirac and Majorana mass matrices of neutrinos are restricted. In particular, the two-zero minor and texture structures in the mass matrix for the active neutrinos are interesting. Analyzing these structures, we obtain uniquely all the neutrino parameters, namely the Dirac CP phase $$\delta $$δ, the Majorana CP phases $$\alpha _{2,3}$$α2,3 and the mass eigenvalues of the light neutrinos $$m_i$$mi as functions of the neutrino mixing angles $$\theta _{12}$$θ12, $$\theta _{23}$$θ23, and $$\theta _{13}$$θ13, and the squared mass differences $$\Delta m^2_{21}$$Δm212 and $$\Delta m^2_{31}$$Δm312. In 7 minimal models which are consistent with the recent neutrino oscillation data, we also obtain the predictions for the sum of the neutrino masses $$\Sigma _i m_i$$Σimi and the effective Majorana neutrino mass $$\langle m_{\beta \beta }\rangle $$mββ and compare them with the current experimental limits. In addition, we also discuss the implication of our results for leptogenesis.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),Engineering (miscellaneous)

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