Developments and results in the context of the JEM-EUSO program obtained with the ESAF simulation and analysis framework


Abe S.,Adams J. H.,Allard D.,Alldredge P.,Anchordoqui L.,Anzalone A.,Arnone E.,Baret B.,Barghini D.,Battisti M.,Bayer J.,Bellotti R.,Belov A. A.,Bertaina M.,Bertone P. F.,Bianciotto M.,Biermann P. L.,Bisconti F.,Blaksley C.,Blin-Bondil S.,Bobik P.,Bolmgren K.,Briz S.,Burton J.,Cafagna F.,Cambié G.,Campana D.,Capel F.,Caruso R.,Casolino M.,Cassardo C.,Castellina A.,Černý K.,Christl M. J.,Colalillo R.,Conti L.,Cotto G.,Crawford H. J.,Cremonini R.,Creusot A.,Cummings A.,de Castro Gónzalez A.,de la Taille C.,del Peral L.,Diesing R.,Dinaucourt P.,Di Nola A.,Ebersoldt A.,Ebisuzaki T.,Eser J.,Fenu F.,Ferrarese S.,Filippatos G.,Finch W. W.,Flaminio F.,Fornaro C.,Fuehne D.,Fuglesang C.,Fukushima M.,Gardiol D.,Garipov G. K.,Golzio A.,Gorodetzky P.,Guarino F.,Guépin C.,Guzmán A.,Haungs A.,Heibges T.,Hernández-Carretero J.,Isgrò F.,Judd E. G.,Kajino F.,Kaneko I.,Kawasaki Y.,Kleifges M.,Klimov P. A.,Kreykenbohm I.,Krizmanic J. F.,Kungel V.,Kuznetsov E.,López Martínez F.,Mackovjak S.,Mandát D.,Manfrin M.,Marcelli A.,Marcelli L.,Marszał W.,Matthews J. N.,Menshikov A.,Mernik T.,Mese M.,Meyer S. S.,Mimouni J.,Miyamoto H.,Mizumoto Y.,Monaco A.,Morales de los Ríos J.A,Nagataki S.,Nachtman J. M.,Naumov D.,Neronov A.,Nonaka T.,Ogawa T.,Ogio S.,Ohmori H.,Olinto A. V.,Onel Y.,Osteria G.,Pagliaro A.,Panico B.,Parizot E.,Park I. H.,Pastircak B.,Paul T.,Pech M.,Perfetto F.,Picozza P.,Piotrowski L. W.,Plebaniak Z.,Posligua J.,Prevete R.,Prévôt G.,Prieto H.,Przybylak M.,Putis M.,Reali E.,Reardon P.,Reno M. H.,Ricci M.,Rodríguez Frías M.,Romoli G.,Sáez Cano G.,Sagawa H.,Sakaki N.,Santangelo A.,Saprykin O. A.,Sarazin F.,Sato M.,Schieler H.,Schovánek P.,Scotti V.,Selmane S.,Sharakin S. A.,Shinozaki K.,Soriano J. F.,Szabelski J.,Tajima N.,Tajima T.,Takahashi Y.,Takeda M.,Takizawa Y.,Tenzer C.,Thomas S. B.,Tkachev L. G.,Tomida T.,Toscano S.,Traïche M.,Trofimov D.,Tsuno K.,Vallania P.,Valore L.,Venters T. M.,Vigorito C.,von Ballmoos P.,Vrabel M.,Wada S.,Watts J.,Weindl A.,Wiencke L.,Wilms J.,Winn D.,Wistrand H.,Yashin I. V.,Young R.,Zotov M. Yu.


AbstractJEM-EUSO is an international program for the development of space-based Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray observatories. The program consists of a series of missions which are either under development or in the data analysis phase. All instruments are based on a wide-field-of-view telescope, which operates in the near-UV range, designed to detect the fluorescence light emitted by extensive air showers in the atmosphere. We describe the simulation software ESAF in the framework of the JEM-EUSO program and explain the physical assumptions used. We present here the implementation of the JEM-EUSO, POEMMA, K-EUSO, TUS, Mini-EUSO, EUSO-SPB1 and EUSO-TA configurations in ESAF. For the first time ESAF simulation outputs are compared with experimental data.


Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt, the Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany Excellence Strategy

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange within Polish Returns Programme

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University “Fundamental and Applied Space Research”

French space agency CNES

State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS

National Science Centre in Poland

Slovak Academy of Sciences



Mexican funding agencies PAPIIT-UNAM, CONACyT and the Mexican Space Agency

Basic Science Interdisciplinary Research Projects of RIKEN and JSPS KAKENHI


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),Engineering (miscellaneous)

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