1. Orphée is a pool type reactor 14-MW power compact, light-water moderated, core provides up to 3 × 1014 n.cm−2s−1 thermal flux in the surrounding heavy water reflector tank. The LLB has at its disposal two cold sources (20 K liquid hydrogen) and one hot source (1400 K graphite)
2. S.Désert, A.Gukasov, Neutron News 22, 14 (2011)
3. S.Désert, V.Thévenot, J.Oberdisse, A.Brûlet, J. Appl. Cryst. 40, s471 (2007)
4. S.Désert, V.Thévenot, A.Gabriel, P.Permingeat, J.Oberdisse, A.Brûlet, J. Appl. Cryst. 40, 945 (2007)
5. see LLB spectrometers web site at: www-llb.cea.fr