1. P.F.H. Baddeley, Whirlwinds and Dust-storms of India (Bell & Daldy, London, 1860)
2. T. Shinbrot, H.J. , Herrmann, Nature 451, 773 (2008)
3. H.C. Verakis, J. Nagy, “A brief history of dust explosions,” Industrial dust explosions, edited by K.L. Cashdollar, M. Herzberg (Am. Soc. Test. & Mater. Phila, 1987), p. 342
4. W. Gilbert, De Magnete, Translated by PF Mottelay (Dover Pub’s, NY, 1991) [translated in 1893 from original completed in 1600]
5. W.R. Harper, Contact and Frictional Electrification (Oxford University Press, 1967)