AbstractThis paper explores the sensitivity of the human visual system to quantum entangled light. We examine the possibility of human subjects perceiving multipartite entangled state through psychophysical experiments. Our focus begins with a bipartite entangled state to make a comparative study with the literature by taking into account additive noise for false positive on bipartite entanglement perception by humans. After that, we limit our similar investigation to a tripartite entangled state for simplicity in higher dimensions. To model the photodetection by humans, we employ the probability of seeing determined for coherently amplified photons in Fock number states, including an additive noise. Our results indicate that detecting bipartite and tripartite entanglement with the human eye is possible for a certain range of additive noise levels and visual thresholds. Finally, we discuss several alternative amplification methods.
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Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
Koc University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC