Determinación de aneuploidías/poliploidías en vacas Holstein con historial de aborto


Meza-López CarlosORCID,Bañuelos-Valenzuela RómuloORCID,Lozano-Carbajal BraulioORCID,de la Colina-Flores FedericoORCID,Delgadillo-Ruiz LucíaORCID


Objective. Determine chromosomal aberrations such as aneuploidies/polyploidies (ap/pp) of cows with a history of abortion from a municipality in Zacatecas, Mexico. Materials and methods. 107 blood samples were collected from cows with a history of abortion and ages between 3 and 10 years in the municipality of Enrique Estrada Zacatecas Mexico, a chromosomal analysis was performed with the conventional cytogenetic technique, to determine chromosomal aberrations such as aneuploidies/polyploidies. Results. The ap/pp cows range from those that did not present any aberrations (0%), a median of (2%) and a maximum of (16%) chromosomal aberrations, the recorded age of the cows was a minimum of 3.5 years, a median of 5.8 and a maximum of 7.4. With these results it can be predicted that there is the possibility that with each year a cow will abort and it increases by 31.7%. However, the p of this coefficient is 0.384—not significant. On the other hand, the possibility of a cow aborting increases by 16.5% with each unit percentage increase in the degree of polyploidy, and the p for this coefficient is 0.029, which is significant. Conclusions. Aneuploidies/polyploidies in correlation with the age of the cows are a possible probability of abortion.


Universidad de Cordoba







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