Multifactorial analysis of autonomous vehicles effectiveness based on the method of analyzing the operating environment


Orlov Sergey Pavlovich1ORCID,Yakovleva Anastasia Evgenevna1,Susarev Sergey Vasilevich1


1. Samara State Technical University


The design of robotic and unmanned vehicles includes a virtual commissioning stage that provides an analysis of the operation of objects using digital twins. Conducting a large number of experiments on models leads to the use of methods for evaluating the results obtained to choose the best design solution. A method of multifactorial anal-ysis of the efficiency of the complex of autonomous vehicles (AV) for agro-industrial purposes is proposed. Multivariate analysis is performed at the virtual commissioning stage in order to plan early maintenance and repair activities. The paper uses the method of analyzing the operating environment for a comparative assessment of various operating scenarios. The method is based on solving a complex of optimization problems of linear programming. A formal description of virtual test scenarios is proposed. The method of multifactorial analysis is implemented in the process of virtual tests using optimal purpose system models and AV simulation. A procedure for virtual AV tests has been developed, including step-by-step modeling and multivariate analysis. The sets of input and output key parameters of the AV and analyzed scenarios are determined. It is proposed to perform two consecutive efficiency assessment tasks. The first task is to compare the effectiveness of individual AV and determine the limits of their effectiveness. The solution of the second task makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of AV system operation scenarios. The target values of changes in the key parameters of the AV and operating scenarios are obtained, leading to an increase in the efficiency of operation and maintenance. Conducting a multifactorial analysis of the results of virtual tests allows you to formulate requirements and recommendations for the design of AV maintenance systems.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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