Evolutionary development of the logistics system technological basis


Smirnova Elena Alexandrovna1,Jiang Lin1


1. Saint-Petersburg State Economic University


The evolutionary development of the technological basis of the logistics system is investigated. The analysis of the term “logistics system” is carried out from both general scientific and applied points of view. It is concluded that the management of the logistics system is aimed at optimizing the functioning of the entire set of its elements, i.e. the management of the logistics system is based on a systematic approach. Classifications of logistics systems are considered for various reasons: hierarchy level / scope scale; type of logistics chains used; type of structure; sequence of resource transfer. A new classification feature of logistics systems is proposed – a type of technological basis that reveals the impact of digital transformation on the development of logistics systems. The continuity between the technological foundations of the logistics system, which consists in the progressive development of technologies, is noted: some of the technologies that are already outdated, lose their importance and are not used, and they are replaced by new digital solutions. In the modern economy, logistics systems at different levels of the hierarchy are being transformed, hybrid logistics systems are actively being formed, combining the use of mechanized, automated and digital technologies, which contributes to a more complete integration of business processes within the logistics system.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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1. Directions for the development of the digital logistics infrastructure of China's smart cities;Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Economics;2024-06-28








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