Directions of implementing digital logistics technologies and services in international supply chains on energy market subject to their renewability


Wang Xiuying1


1. Saint-Petersburg State Economic University


The article formulates the prerequisites for the introduction of digital logistics technologies and services in the energy market, which consist in a high level of competition and tariff pressure, require the search for new opportunities to reduce capital and operating costs. The state and interstate regulation of the energy market, which manifests itself in the adoption of strategic trade and political decisions, requires the development and implementation of market mechanisms for the adaptation of supply chain participants and the creation of new economic ties. A customer-oriented approach to the design of supply chains in the energy market defines the introduction of digital technologies and services to create a more comfortable customer environment: increased transparency and ease of use, interconnection with other services, cheaper energy. There are defined the main directions of the introduction of digital logistics technologies and services. It is revealed that the differences in the design of supply chains in the energy market, taking into account their renewability, are based on the object of material flow management. In the supply chains of non-renewable energy sources, the object of management is resources (coal, oil and petroleum products, gas and gas chemistry products, etc.) and processes aimed at their exploration, production, processing, transportation, storage and consumption. In the supply chains of renewable energy sources, the object of management is the generated electric energy, as well as equipment and technologies for its production and storage – turbines for nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, wind generators, solar panels, storage devices for storing electric energy, etc. It has been inferred that certain digital logistics technologies and services in international supply chains on the energy market will take place subject to the resource renewability.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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