Effect of hydrogen peroxide solutions on growth of micromycetes Saprolegniaceae on egg membranes of beluga (Huso huso) embryos and on indicators of its embryonic development during incubation


Barinova Victoria1,Bakhareva Anna Aleksandrovna2,Perunova Margarita Evgenevna3,Tangatarova Ralina Rasimovna1


1. Volga-Caspian branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

2. Astrakhan State Technical University

3. Volga-Caspian branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


The article describes the data of the experimental works on assessing the influence of hydrogen peroxide so-lutions (0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40%) in different concentrations on the growth of the micromycetes Saprolegniaceae on egg membranes of beluga embryos and its embryonic development. In conditions of increasing intensification of aquacultures there is an acute problem regarding to the shortage of approved drugs for treating a common disease in fish farming - saprolegniosis. This disease is caused by species of different genus, the most common of which are the genus Achlya and Saprolegnia belonging to the biological kingdom Chromista (Stramenopila), the Oomycota phylum, the Oomycetes class, the Saprolegniales order, the Saprolegniaceae family. The impact of experimental hydrogen peroxide solutions on the beluga embryonic development and infection with saprolegnial micromycetes was assessed by fish-breeding biological indicators: the number of inseminated oocytes, number of survived embryos and hatched prelarvae, number of embryos infected with the micromycetes Saprolegniaceae and abnormally developing fish. Histological analysis of embryos at different stages of development was also carried out. The experimental works were carried out under production conditions in an incubation apparatus of “Sturgeon” type. The experimental groups were formed in accordance with the experimental solutions’ concentrations. Upon the result of the studies it has been inferred that using a 0.05% hydrogen peroxide solution with a 10-minute-exposure proves effective. This solution sup-pressed growth of micromycetes Saprolegniaceae without any negative impact on the embryonic development. Other experimental solutions had a negative impact on beluga (Huso huso) embryonic development of in most cases, causing the increased mortality and, as a consequence, the increased infection rate.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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