
Volosnikov Gleb Igorevich1,Chemagin Andrey Aleksandrovich1


1. Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


Fish distribution was studied using sonar computerized complex in the deep part of the water column of Gornoslinkinskaya riverbed depression in winter. In the horizontal aspect there was estimated the number of fish registrations, in the vertical aspect the fish density was analyzed in three conditional horizons of the water column: surface, pelagic, bottom. Additionally, the bathymetric characteristics of the riverbed depression in the fish registration areas were evaluated. In the study period the depths were lower than 40 m. On the trajectory of the planned research route there were drilled holes in ice with a motor-drill (screw D=200 mm). Hydroacoustic survey was performed for each drilled hole. To control the species composition control fishing was carried out by gillnets. The hydroacoustic survey files were further processed in the laboratory using AsCor and Taxonomy applications for carrying out dimensional-taxonomic identification of fish. It has been established that fish inhabits the water area of the riverbed depression non-uniformly, both horizontally and vertically. The density of fish in the horizons of the investigated water area is distributed in descending order: pelagic - 105 sp./ha, bottom - 61 sp./ha, surface - 18 sp./ha. The features of the taxonomic distribution of fish are the following: in the surface horizon there are not found percid species and non-identified fish, their shares are decreasing from the bottom to pelagic horizons. The groups of cyprinids and whitefish-pike fish are registered throughout the water column of the riverbed depression: their shares increase from the bottom to the surface. The uneven distribution of different taxonomic fish groups in the investigated water area can be explained by the ecological features of different species in winter, as well as their trophic-defensive behavior.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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