Comprehensive assessment of environmental, social and managerial efficiency of enterprises in the fishing and fish processing industry


Sorokin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich1,Maltseva Natalia Sergeevna2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University; Caspian Institute of Sea and River Transport named after Admiral F. M. Apraksin, branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


The purpose of the work is to form provisions for determining a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of a fishing and fish processing company in the field of ecology, social responsibility and in matters of management activities. When forming this assessment, indicators are taken into account that characterize the effectiveness of environmental protection measures; improvement of working conditions of employees, organization of corporate governance. To aggregate these characteristics, methods based on the position of the theory of fuzzy sets are proposed. The computing complex itself for processing information about the state of controlled parameters is implemented in the form of a hierarchical fuzzy inference system and an additional block that is used to distribute objects of analysis by state classes. The computing complex includes fuzzy inference systems based on the Sugeno algorithm. As a result of aggregation of the estimated parameters, two estimates are formed: one allows you to rank the analyzed objects, the second – to correlate the object of analysis with a certain class of state. The simulation showed that the computing complex has a high sensitivity: if at least one of the input variables is in the range of low (bad) values, this leads to a decrease in the value of the final score. This property makes it possible to exclude the occurrence of massaging of “bad” values of individual variables with “good” values of other variables. The results of the study confirmed the ability of the complex to distribute the objects of analysis by state classes. The results can be used for the development of corporate governance systems that are oriented for use in enterprises of the fisheries industry.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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