Technologies of distance learning for programming basics lessons on the principles of integrated development of key competences


Shokaliuk Svitlana V.,Bohunenko Yelyzaveta Yu.,Lovianova Iryna V.,Shyshkina Mariya P.


In the era of the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0 – developing key competences (digital, multilingual and mathematical competences in particular) is of paramount importance. The purpose of this work is to investigate the content of key competences of a secondary school student and to develop a method of teaching for the integrated development of multilingual and mathematical competences in the process of teaching Programming Basics with the help of distant technologies. The objectives of the research include generalizing and systematizing theoretical data on the structure and the content of key competences and the potential of informatics lessons for the development of separate components of multilingual and mathematical competences; generalizing and systematizing theoretical data on the ways of arranging distant support for informatics learning, Programming Basics in particular; to investigate the content and the methods of teaching Programming Basics in 7th-11th grades; to develop the e-learning Moodle course using Python for Programming Basics on the principles of integrated approach to developing separate components of multilingual and mathematical competence with determining some methodical special features while using it. The object of the study is to teach informatics to junior high school and high school students. The subject of the study is the means and the methods of realizing distant support in the process of teaching Programming Basics using Python on the principles of an integrated approach to developing multilingual and mathematical competences.


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