1. Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health, Interuniversity Center of Molecular Medicine and Applied Biophysics (CIMMBA), University of Florence, and Pharmacovigilance Center of Tuscan County (PCTC), Florence, Italy
2. PCTC, and Interdepartmental Center for Research in Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
3. Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
4. PCTC, and University Hospital of Siena, Siena, Italy
5. Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
6. National Pharmacovigilance Office, Pharmacovigilance Unit, Italian Medicines Agency, Rome
7. Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health, CIMMBA, and PCTC
8. Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health, CIMMBA, PCTC, and the Center for Clinical Epidemiology, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada