Sokov V. N.,Ramazanov E. A.
Until recently, there was no production of ceramized roofing granules as a product in the Russian Federation. The basis for obtaining such granules is the formation of a protective and decorative shell on a mineral carrier (rock). Such granules should have chemical elements in their shell that prevent biofouling and destruction of the protective layer. The criteria for the selection of rocks in Russia with a certain mineral form of iron fixation are established. A scale of thermogravimetric activity of the rock has been developed. The production technology involves the application of two layers, of which the inner layer contains a biocide in the form of copper-zinc brass. The ceramic shell is formed from a solution of kaolin, pigments and sodium liquid glass. As a result of firing, the ceramized granules are covered with a colored insoluble shell. The solubility of the shell of granules is determined by their surface alkalinity. Ill. 2. Ref. 20.
National University of Science and Technology MISiS
Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software
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