Putro Wahyu Gito,Handoyo Lukman,Riski Zaki Maulana,Pranata Agus Dwi,Satria Beny Maulana,Adha Muhammad Zulfikar,UZ L.M. Zulfahrin,Lestari R. Tri Rahyuning,Ratriningtyas Tri Okta,Mulyojati Bagus
Gaya hidup yang tidak sehat ditunjukkan dengan beberapa faktor seperti perilaku merokok, konsumsi minuman beralkohol, aktivitas fisik yang kurang, memakan makanan cepat saji, kurang mengkonsumsi buah dan sayuran. Hal tersebut menjadi pemicu dari penyakit tidak menular. Pada tahun 2016, sekitar 71% penyebab kematian di dunia adalah penyakit tidak menular dengan jumlah kasus sebanyak 36 juta jiwa per tahun. Sekitar 80% kematian tersebut terjadi di negara berpenghasilan menengah dan rendah. Secara Nasional Prevalensi penyakit tidak menular di Indonesia masih tinggi, hal tersebut karena gaya hidup yang tidak sehat. Banyaknya kasus penyakit tidak menular dapat menjadi salah satu faktor beban ekonomi kesehatan dalam rumah tangga dan Negara. Sasaran dalam Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah para pekerja dari Kelurahan Pamulang Barat, dengan jumlah 10 pekerja. Dalam kegiatan ini para pekerja diberikan pertanyaan terkait pembelanjaan kesehatan dalam dua bulan terakhir. Selanjutnya pekerja diberikan intervensi dengan diberikan pemaparan pentingnya melakukan aktivitas fisik, dilanjut dengan diberikan pertanyaan terkait keinginan merubah gaya hidup agar pembelanjaan kesehatan dapat terkontrol. Didapatkan hasil bahwa rerata pekerja tidak melakukan aktivitas fisik selama dua bulan ke belakang. Tidak hanya itu, perilaku makan pekerja juga belum dapat di manajemen dengan baik. Pola istirahat pekerja juga belum teratur. Hal-hal tersebut yang membuat para pekerja memiliki keluhan dalam kesehatan, dan jika gaya hidup tidak sehat tersebut dilakukan secara terus-menerus akan berpotensi terkena penyakit tidak menular. Saran dari peneliti semoga kepala kelurahan lebih memerhatikan para pekerjanya dengan membuat program atau kebijakan terkait gaya hidup sehat.
Several factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, eating fast food, and eating fewer fruits and vegetables, are indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle. This is a causal factor for noncommunicable diseases. In 2016, approximately 71% of global deaths were attributable to non-communicable diseases, with an annual incidence of 36 million cases. Approximately 80% of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases remains high at the national level in Indonesia. The number of cases of non-communicable diseases can be a factor in the economic burden on health in households and the country. The intended recipients of this Community Service are ten workers from the Pamulang Barat Several factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, eating fast food, and eating fewer fruits and vegetables, are indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle. This is a causal factor for noncommunicable diseases. In 2016, approximately 71% of global deaths were attributable to non-communicable diseases, with an annual incidence of 36 million cases. Approximately 80% of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases remains high at the national level in Indonesia. The number of cases of non-communicable diseases can be a factor in the economic burden on health in households and the country. The intended recipients of this Community Service are ten workers from the Pamulang Barat Village. In this activity, employees were asked about their recent health expenditures. In addition, workers are given an intervention that consists of an explanation of the importance of physical activity, followed by questions about their desire to alter their lifestyle in order to reduce health expenditures. The findings revealed that the average worker had not engaged in physical activity for the past two months. In addition, it is impossible to effectively manage the eating habits of workers. Also, irregular is the pattern of employee breaks. These factors contribute to health complaints among workers, and if this unhealthy lifestyle is maintained, there is the possibility of developing noncommunicable diseases. Researchers recommend that the village chief pay more attention to his employees by instituting programmes and policies that promote a healthy lifestyle. In this activity, employees were asked about their recent health expenditures. In addition, workers are given an intervention that consists of an explanation of the importance of physical activity, followed by questions about their desire to alter their lifestyle in order to reduce health expenditures. The findings revealed that the average worker had not engaged in physical activity for the past two months. In addition, it is impossible to effectively manage the eating habits of workers. Also, irregular is the pattern of employee breaks. These factors contribute to health complaints among workers, and if this unhealthy lifestyle is maintained, there is the possibility of developing noncommunicable diseases. Researchers recommend that the village chief pay more attention to his employees by instituting programmes and policies that promote a healthy lifestyle.
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