Spring bread wheat response to kernel smut pathogens (Tilletia caries and T. laevis) in the Republic of Tatarstan


Askhadullin D. F.1,Askhadullin D. F.1ORCID,Vasilova N. Z.1ORCID,Zuev E. V.2,Bagavieva E. Z.1ORCID,Tazutdinova M. R.1ORCID,Khusainova I. I.1ORCID


1. Tatar RIA, a separate structural subdivision of the FRC KazRC RAS

2. All-Russian Institute of genetic resources of plants named after N.I. Vavilov


Wheat kernel smut (KS) is a disease of the reproductive organs. With low-cost and organic farming, grain farmers can face significant losses from this disease. The purpose of the current study was to identify resistant samples to KS pathogens in the Republic of Tatarstan during artificial inoculation of seeds with smut spores. There have been studied the spring wheat varieties recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan, almost isogenic lines of the Red Bobs variety carrying the known Bt-genes Bt 1–10 from the collection of the All-Russian Institute of Genetic Resources of Plants named after N.I. Vavilov. When analyzing the species structure of the KS population spread in Tatarstan for 9 years (2012–2020), it was found that the species Tilletia caries prevailed over T. levis and the ratio of species depended on the soil pH before sowing. The minimum ratio of the number of spores of T. laevis / T. caries species in the studied samples was noted at the soil pH of 4.5. The correlation coefficient between indicators of soil solution response and species ratio was 0.86 (tfact˃ttheor at 1% significance level). The genes Bt 2, Bt 5, Bt 8, Bt 9, Bt 10 were highly effective for the Tatarstan KS population in the period of 2018–2021. The samples ‘M83-1621’ (cat. VIR 66238) of the USA and ‘AC Cadillac’ (cat. VIR 64565) of Canada carrying the Bt 10 gene had no signs of the disease. Most of the varieties recommended for cultivation (65%) are highly and very strongly susceptible to KS. Three varieties ‘Chernozemnouralskaya 2’, ‘Sitara’ and ‘Burlak’ are found weakly susceptible to KS.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy


General Medicine

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